dijous, 28 de setembre del 2017

Pau writing

Resultado de imagen de nothing dayYes, I agree because I think that "buy nothing day" is a revolution to the Black Friday. The Thanksgiving day when the people have a tendency to consume and create a lot of residual object. In my opinion tihs day is wish for the earth, if we reduce the consume, the factories will produce less and the planet will be happier. Now, creating this day is to late because to reduce all the pollution until 5% we need more than 50 years to clean all and that is impossible, thats my opinion

Welcoming email


My name is Christian I’m 18yo I live in Fortia and I’m studying 2nd of bachillerat. I have many objectives on my life. In a short term I hope to pass this school year to leave this place and study something I love it. In a long term I would like to finish my designer career and keep on with my clothes brand.

I would like to move to USA and buy a house in the west coast. I am going to face these challenges that I have in mind with sacrifice and hard work, although it is already known that it is difficult to do so. To be focused and follow my path I need support from people who love me as my family and people who stays there in hard moments.

“Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign os strength”. I like this sentence because I’m a person who always prefer a defeat rather than asking for help, but I realized that is better for me because I can learn about my fails and improve.
All the best,
