divendres, 18 de novembre del 2016


Shisha Time
Resultado de imagen de gif shishaWhat is shisha? Shisha or water pipe is big cigarette who uses fruit tobacco and which makes the smoke more aromatic than cigarette smoke. A lot of people say shisha not contains tobacco only is an aromatic savour, the people who say this is a little stupid but i think shsiha it is a form to smoke without killing yourself so much, this has turned a mode in the teenagers because  now in all sites in the nights, pubs, disco and bars you can ask a shisha for relax.
In my case I have a shisha in my house before I have criticized it but well I'm one of this teenagers. In the word of shisha you can buy a lot of diferents shisha, a traditional shisha o modern shisha. Te most interesting 
of the shisha is make a bubble with the mouth.

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